“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.[1]

The outcome of Brexit and the US Election have shown us that information is power – and disinformation can be used to obtain power.

While to many this means that any ‘main stream’ media source is suspect.  Common Consensus is committed to promoting reliable, responsible, credible news sources from all areas of the spectrum.

This page will include links to sites, both main stream and others, that have an aim of empowering understanding.



Channel 4

Guardian, The


Independent, The

Monde, Le

National Public Radio (NPR)

New Yorker, The

New York Times

Palestine Chronicle

Private Eye

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) News Hour


Telegraph, The

Washington Post


To add a resource please contact at comment@commonconsensus.com



[1] http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/156107-those-who-control-the-present-control-the-past-and-those